below as we promise, we was wrote prediction for UASBN test (final test for Elementary school in Indonesia) which major Indonesian Language (bahasa Indonesia) consists of 50 number include test paragraph, pantun, puisi, sajak, non literature (non sastra) and much other's, download those prediction by clicking link belowBahasa Indondesia Prediction UASBN 2009 other prediction not only for Ujian
Posted by Unknown
Minggu, 19 April 2009
below is another link for download kumpulan soal dan jawaban IPA SD class 6, it's include biology, plant anatomy, animal anatomy and physics you can also read those file directly at this post, but your browser must support latest adobe flash player. or if you prefer to download directly below mirror link for downloadDOWNLOAD IPA SD 6 CLASSthis file contains more than 29 page, it's very complete
exercise, prediction Ujian Nasional, UN for SMA 2009, Mathematics it consists of soal and answers (soal dan Jawaban), so it make you more easy when study it, although the Ujian Nasional or UN for SMA will held in this month, i think this soal and prediction still good to be collect.more you learn and practice the "soal" more you will ready for Ujian directly those document from